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Weekly Planning Alert, 14/09/2023

Planning Alert, Sep. 14th 2023
New and decided planning application updates issued by Kilkenny County Council on 14/09/2023

Decided // Cullaun

for the construction of animal house with seepage tank with concrete apron and all associated site works

  • Applicant: DICK MEANEY
  • Status: Decided
  • Received: 15/05/2023
  • Decision Date: 04/09/2023
  • Decision: CONDITIONAL
  • View on Council Website

Decided // 7 Father Albert Place

for the provision of a new vehicular entrance and car parking space in an existing front garden and all associated siteworks at

  • Applicant: KILLIAN DOYLE
  • Status: Decided
  • Received: 19/06/2023
  • Decision Date: 31/08/2023
  • Decision: CONDITIONAL
  • View on Council Website

Decided // Finnan

to retain extensions and alterations to existing dwelling, including all associated site works

  • Applicant: EDWINA KEANE
  • Status: Decided
  • Received: 11/10/2022
  • Decision Date: 31/08/2023
  • Decision: CONDITIONAL
  • View on Council Website

Decided // Kilbraghan

for the demolition of an existing agriculture storage building and construction of a 2 bed dwelling house and all associated site works

  • Status: Decided
  • Received: 09/11/2022
  • Decision Date: 07/09/2023
  • Decision: CONDITIONAL
  • View on Council Website

Decided // Tubbrid Upper

to construct internal and external changes to existing two storey dwelling and permission for change of use from garage to living space, replace existing septic tank, provision of new percolation area with all associated site works

  • Status: Decided
  • Received: 21/12/2022
  • Decision Date: 05/09/2023
  • Decision: CONDITIONAL
  • View on Council Website

Decided // Rossaneny

for the construction of A) A grass pitch with ball stop netting B) An artificial surface training area with concrete "ball wall" and flood lighting C) A clubhouse with on site wastewater treatment system d) Vehicular & pedestrian access to Main Stree

  • Applicant: WINDGAP GAA CLUB
  • Status: Decided
  • Received: 22/12/2022
  • Decision Date: 04/09/2023
  • Decision: CONDITIONAL
  • View on Council Website

Decided // The Hollow

for development at the existing property. The proposed development will consist of construction of a new extension (72 SM) to the side (south) of the existing studio & all other ancillary internal and external works.

  • Status: Decided
  • Received: 22/12/2022
  • Decision Date: 04/09/2023
  • Decision: CONDITIONAL
  • View on Council Website

Decided // Mountain View Golf Club

1. The removal of the temporary marquee and replacement with a single storey Function Room, ancillary service areas, storage, male toilets, female toilets, and accessible toilet. 2. Retention of the construction of the kitchen preparation area, cold

  • Applicant: DAN O'NEILL
  • Status: Decided
  • Received: 23/12/2022
  • Decision Date: 10/09/2023
  • Decision: CONDITIONAL
  • View on Council Website

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